NOAA Climate and Global Change Postdoctoral Fellow

UC Berkeley Postdoctoral Fellow

Advisors: Asst. Prof. Daniel Stolper and Prof. Todd Dawson

Part-time Instructor

San José State University

Dept. Chair: Prof. Jonathan Miller


2021. Ph.D. University of California, Davis. Earth and Planetary Science.                               

Advisor: Distinguished Prof. Isabel P. Montañez

2016. M. Science. Boston College. Earth and Environmental Sciences                                        

Advisor: Asst. Prof. Corinne I. Wong

2013. B. Science University of Texas, Austin. Jackson School of Geology                            


Wortham, B.E., Banner, J.L., James, E.W., Edwards, R.L., Loewy, S. 2022. Application of cave monitoring to constrain the value and source of detrital 230Th/232Th in speleothem calcite: Implications for U-series geochronology of speleothems. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. 110978.

Wortham, B.E., Montañez, I.P., Swart, P., Vonhof, H., Tabor, C. 2022. Variability in effective moisture inferred from inclusion fluid d18O and d2H values in a central Sierra Nevada stalagmite (CA). Quaternary Science Reviews. 279: 107399.

Wortham, B.E., Montañez, I.P., Bowman, K.C., Kuta, D.J., Brumage, E., Pang, A., Soto, N., Tinsley, J., Roemer-Baer, G. 2021. Cave monitoring of Sierra Nevada caves reveals the potential for stalagmites to archive seasonal variability. Frontiers in Earth Science, section Quaternary Science, Geomorphology and Paleoenvironment. 9: 781526. doi: 10.3389/feart.2021.781526.

Tabor, C., Lofverstrom, M., Oster, J., Wortham, B.E., de Wet, C., Montañez, I., Rhoades, A.,  Zarzycki, C., He, C., Liu, Z. 2021. A Mechanistic Understanding of Oxygen Isotopic Changes in the Western United States at the Last Glacial Maximum. Quaternary Science Reviews. 274: 107255.

Sekhon, N., Novello, V., F. Cruz, F.W., Wortham, B.E., Breeker, D.O. 2020. Diurnal to seasonal ventilation in Brazilian Caves. Global Planetary Change.

Wortham, B.E., Montañez, I.P., Rowland, D.J., Lerche, M., Browning, A. 2019. Mapping fluid-filled inclusions in stalagmites using coupled X-ray and neutron computed tomography: potential as a water-excess proxy. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems. 20(6): 2647-2656.

Vermeij, G.J., Banker, R., Capece, L.R., Hernandez, E.S., Salley, S.O., Vriesman, V.P., Wortham, B.E. 2018. The coastal North Pacific: Origins and history of a dominant marine biota. Journal of Biogeography. 46(1): 1-15.

Montañez, I.P., Osleger, D.J., Chen, J., Wortham, B.E., Stamm, R.G., Nemyrovska, T.I., Griffin, J.M., Poletaev, V.I., Wardlaw, B.R. 2018. Carboniferous climate teleconnections archived in coupled bioapatite δ18OPO4 and 87Sr/86Sr records from the epicontinental Donets Basin, Ukraine. Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 492: 89-101. 

Wortham, B.E., C. Wong, L.C.R. Silva, I.P. Montanez, D. McGee, T. E. Rasbury, K. M. Cooper, W. D. Sharp, J. G. Glessner, and R. Santos. 2017. Assessing response of local moisture conditions in central Brazil to regional variability in monsoon intensity using speleothem 87Sr/86Sr values. Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 463: 310 – 322

Database and Working Group Publications

Astawawanunt, K. et al. and SISAL Working Group Members. 2018. The SISAL database: a global resource to document oxygen and carbon isotope records from speleothems. Earth Syst. Sci. Data Discuss. 10: 1687-1713.

Non-peer reviewed publications

Wortham, B.E. 2017. Cave monitoring in the western Sierra Nevada: A key to California's past climate. Cave Research Foundation Annual Report 2016-2017. pp. 136-137.


2021-2023. NOAA Climate & Global Change Fellowship. 

2020. Travel Grant, Karst Record IX Conference     

2017-2020. Durrell Research Grant, UC Davis                                                                           

2018-2019. Professors for the Future Fellow, UC Davis                                                                         

2018. Graduate Student Association Travel Award, UC Davis                                                         

2017. UC Davis Graduate Travel Award                   

2017. Cave Research Foundation, Graduate Fellowship                                                                   

2017. Geologic Society of America, Graduate Research Grant                                                         

2016-2017. Ernest E. Hill Fellow, UC Davis                                                                               



Conference Presentations

*indicates talk

**indicates student advised by B. Wortham

*Wortham, B.E., Montañez, I.P., Swart, P.K., Vonhof, H., Tabor, C.R. 2021. An integrated approach to understand disequilibrium effects in a stalagmite record from a central Sierra Nevada cave. GSA Connects. Portland, OR. Abstract #72-14.

Tabor, C.R., Lofverstrom, M., Oster, J., Wortham, B.E., de Wet, C., Montanez, I.: Storminess and Isotopic Changes in the Western United States at the Last Glacial Maximum, Annual CESM Workshop, 2021.

**Bowman, K., Wortham, B.E., Montañez, I.P. 2020. Climatic Influences on California Rainwater and Cave Dripwaters. American Geophysical Union Connects. Abstract ID: PP046-001

*Wortham, B.E., Mukhopadhyay, S., Montañez, I.P., Middleton, J., Tyra, A. 2020. A two-step approach to quantitative temperature estimates in the Sierra Nevada. Geologic Society of America National Conference. Abstract ID: 351483

Tabor, C. R., Lofverstrom, M., Wortham, B. E., Montanez, I. P., Oster, J. L., de Wet, C. B., He, C., Liu, Z., Lora, J. M., Skinner, C. B. 2019. High-Resolution Simulations for Understanding the Climate of Southwest North America at the Last Glacial Maximum. American Geophysical Union National Conference. San Francisco, CA. Abstract ID: #PP23B-03

Oster, J. L., Tabor, C. R., Lofverstrom, M., Montanez, I. P., Wortham, B. E., de Wet, C. B., He, C., Liu, Z. 2019. Comparing Precipitation Seasonality During the Last Deglaciation from Speleothem Records and Isotope-enabled Model Simulations. American Geophysical Union National Conference. San Francisco, CA. Abstract ID: #PP23B-02

*Wortham, B.E., I.P. Montañez, P.K. Swart. 2019.  Last Glacial Maximum to Younger Dryas precipitation variability in the western Sierra Nevada. Geologic Society of America National Conference. Phoenix, AZ. Abstract ID: 340415. 

*Wortham, B.E., I.P. Montañez, P.K. Swart. 2019. Fossilized Drip-Water from a Sierra Nevada Cave Reveals Stadial vs. Interstadial Variability in Precipitation Stable Isotopes. Goldschmidt International Conference. Barcelona, Spain. 2019 – 3710.

**Bowman, K., **Brumage, E., **Diaz, E., **Kuta, D.J., B.E. Wortham, I.P. Montañez. 2019. Monitoring a Cave Environment in the Sierra Nevada - implications for interpreting stalagmite records from a semi-arid climate. Geologic Society of America National Conference. Phoenix, AZ. Abstract ID: 337408.

*Wortham,B.E., I.P. Montañez, P.K. Swart, C. Tabor. 2018. Fossilized drip-water from a Sierra Nevada Cave reveals variability in precipitation sources and atmospheric dynamics over the last deglaciation. American Geophysical Union Annual Conference. Washington, D.C. Abstract ID: PP12B-07.

*Wortham,B.E., I.P. Montañez, J. Tinsley. 2018. Cave monitoring at Lilburn Cave: a lens to view climatic history. Sequoia and Kings Canyon Science Symposium. Three Rivers, CA. 

Wortham, B.E., I.P. Montañez, P.K. Swart, S. Mukhopadhyay, C. Tabor. 2018. A multi-proxy approach to understanding hydroclimate in the American Southwest. Goldschmidt International Conference, Boston, MA. Abstract ID: 2018004175

*Wortham, B.E., I.P. Montañez, D. Rowland, M. Lerche. 2017. Demonstrating the potential of coupled x-ray and neutron computed tomography in speleothem based paleoclimate. Karst Record VIII, Austin, TX.

*Wortham, B.E., I.P. Montañez, D. Rowland, M. Lerche. 2017. NCT scanning and fluid inclusion stable isotopes: novel approaches applied to a western Sierra Nevada stalagmite. PACLIM, Monteray Bay, CA. 

*Wortham, B.E., C. Wong, I. Montañez, L.C.R. Silva, T. E. Rasbury, J.J. Glessner. 2016. Comparison of laser-ablation and solution-mode ICP-MS techniques for measuring speleothem 87Sr/86Sr values. American Geophysical Union National Conference, San Francisco, CA. Abstract ID: 74690

Wong, C.I., Wortham, B.E., McGee, D., Cruz, F.W., Silva, L.C.R., Montanez, I.P., 2016. Investigating past climate-biosphere links: Speleothem-based climate reconstructions to constrain controls on Late Holocene forest expansion in South America, invited submission to session titled, “Recent Advances in Paleoclimate Studies Using Marine Carbonates and Speleothems” at the 2016 Goldschmidt Meeting in Yokohama, Japan, June 30, 2016.

 Wong, C.I., Wortham, B.E., McGee, D., Cruz, F.W., Silva, L.C.R., Montanez, I.P., 2016. Investigating past climate-biosphere links: Speleothem-based climate reconstructions to constrain controls on Late Holocene forest expansion in South America, keynote for session titled, “Isotope applications in paleoclimatology” at the 2016 South American Symposium on Isotope Geology in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, May 23, 2016.

Wortham, B.E., J. Banner, E. James, R.C. Casteel, and S.L. Loewy. 2013a. Variability in initial 230Th/232Th ratios in central Texas speleothems is used for more accurate age determination. South central Geological Society of America Section Meeting. Austin, TX. Abstract ID: 217718.

Wortham, B.E., J. Banner, E. James, and S.L. Loewy. 2013b. Direct measurement of initial 230Th/232Th ratios in central Texas speleothems for more accurate age determination. American Geophysical Union annual meeting. San Francisco, CA. Abstract ID: V13A-2595.


Conference Sessions


2021. Co-convener and co-chair. KROnline January 21, 2021. Open Topics. 

2020. Convener, Chair, OSPA Representative. PP046. PP048. PP049. Development and Application of Quantitative Proxies of Terrestrial Climate Variability. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting. Co-conveners: Isabel Montañez and Peter Swart.

2020. Co-convener, co-chair. PP002. Marine-terrestrial Connections between the Pacific and the Americas. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting. Convener: Hannah Palmer. Other co-conveners: Daniel Ibarra and Summer Praetorius. 



2021. MIT. COG Seminar Series.

2020. UC Davis. Friday Lunch Talks. 

2020. Southern California Grotto. 

2020. California State University, Sacramento. Dept. Seminar. 

2020. UC Berkeley. Isotope Geochemistry Seminar. 

2020. Ohio Wesleyan University. Upper Division Undergraduate Field Trip, Death Valley, NP.



Independently developed courses 

2019-2020. Seminar for undergraduate research. GEL 199. University of California, Davis.

2018-2019. Seminar for undergraduate research. GEL 199. University of California, Davis.          

Guest Lectures 

2021. MS 199 - Professional Development

Prof. of Record: Meghan Zulian.

2021. Geology 108 – Paleoclimates

Prof. of Record: Prof. Sujoy Mukhopadhyay

2019. Geology 228 - Paleoceanography                                                                                                                                      

Prof. of Record: Howard Spero

2019. Geology 10 - Climate Change                                                                                                                                                       

Prof. of Record: Isabel P. Montañez

Teaching Assistant Appointments 

2021; Paleoclimates, GEL 108 (instructor: Prof. Sujoy Mukhopadhyay)

2020; Paleoclimates, GEL 108 (instructor: Prof. Howard Spero)

2019; Paleoclimates, GEL 108 (instructor: Prof. Howard Spero)

2018; Environmental Geochemistry, GEL 198 (instructor: Prof. Sujoy Mukhopadhyay)

2018; Paleoclimates, GEL 108 (instructor: Prof. Howard Spero)

2017; Geobiology, GEL 198 (instructor: Prof. Dawn Sumner)

2016; Introduction to Geology, Lab, GEL 50 (instructor: Prof. Magali Billen)

2014 – 2015; Teaching Assistant, Earth and Environmental Science, Boston College 


Publication Service

2020: Reviewer. Environmental Modeling and Software

2020: Reviewer. AGU Advances

2019: Reviewer. PNAS 

2019: Reviewer. Geophysical Research Letters

2018. Reviewer. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology                                                                                   


Service, Committee’s, and Public Engagement

2021. Nature Tells Its Story Part II: Caves and Really Old Water. Unfold Podcast. UC Davis.

2020- present. Wortham, B.E. Undergraduate Mentoring… the Blog.

2016- present. Co-founder, organizer, committee chair. Association for Women Geoscientists, University of California, Davis. 

- 2021. Gear Exchange Committee.

- 2020. Volunteer for AWG Graduate School Application Writing Workshop

- 2018 - 2021. Volunteer for AWG Mentoring Program.

- 2017 - 2019. Organizer for AWG "Coffee with the Faculty" Seminar Series.

2021. Graduate Student Member. Anti-Racism Action Committee. UC Davis Earth and Planetary Science Dept. 

2020. Oskin, B. Crystalized Climate. UC Davis College of Letters and Science.

2020. Organizer. Professional Development Summer Seminar Series. University of California, Davis.

2018-2019. Graduate Student Association Representative. University of California, Davis. 

2018-present. Undergraduate Mentoring Program Mentor. Association for Women Geoscientists, University of California, Davis.                                

2018-2019. Department Seminar Series Coordinator. Earth and Planetary Sciences, University of California, Davis.  

2018-2019. Graduate Student Representative to Faculty. Earth and Planetary Science, University of California Davis.    

2018. University of Texas Sustainability. Caves, Climate, and Cycling: UT Alumna Barbara Wortham.      

2018. Climate Science Day Participant, Geologic Society of America Representative, Capitol Hill Washington, D.C.                                 

2015-2016. Founder and organizer. WomenInSTEM seminar series, Boston College.                                                                                   

2014. Buchelle, M. For Clues to Texas’ Climate Future, Scientist Look Deep Underground.                                                                   

2011-2013. Volunteer. Hot Science Cool Talks GK-12 education program.